i shot vivid life

you suck.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


The quiet creaking
Volumes speaking
Nothing but knowledge leaking
Roles encased
No warm embrace
Not a soul to upset the somber place
Vacant chairs
Illusive cares
Lifelessness left the setting bare
Silent hollows
The story follows
A tale in which one lead wallows
Entering fiction
Peculiar diction
One must suffer much infliction
Reality no more
Fantasy at core
Help to fight an imaginary war
New world open
Past cares broken
Entry to a life unspoken
Sword in hand
A renowned band
Battle the brutal terror of the land
Chiming steel
Intensity of feel
All actions are portrayed as real
A false blow
Chilling and slow
A death rendered as soft as snow
The fiction true
Veins turn blue
There is no world left to return to


At 8:44 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

this is soo cool how did u do that?

At 9:00 AM, Blogger vansfan07 said...

nice stephnay


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