i shot vivid life

you suck.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Favorite Place

I thought this picture best represented the excitement I used to experience when visiting Tamarac Mall, because it's got so many bright colors, and brightness really signifies happiness and fun, at least in my eyes. These gumball machines are really the only evidence of youth left in this mall.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

My School

I thought this represents the school fairly well. It sort of reminds me of a prison, which our school definitely resembles. The trash on the floor shows how lazy everyone here is, but it's a bright tone because, no matter how much we hate it here, we have fun.

Tamarac Mall: Why I've Chosen to Shoot it.

Before Tamarac Mall turned into a crap hole, it was filled with glee and memories. There was a Mrs. Field’s, a Claire’s, a Gap, and photo booths galore. Tamarac was truly a place where I was once able to enjoy myself.

Besides the closings of all the good stores, Tamarac had the brightness and life of a place for kids to hang out. I remember walking home from school with my friend, Danielle, and spending so much time gallivanting around on the escalators that our parents would be angry we were home so late. We would ride up and down those escalators, sitting on the arms holders, or sliding down the middle. Occasionally, the pressure alarm on it would beep, and we would take cover for a while, just to make sure no security guards caught us. If we got sick of the escalators, we would exchange sliding on them for riding up and down on the elevator.

The escalators and elevators weren’t the only good things about Tamarac. As a kid, I loved little trinkets and jewelry and stuff, so the Claire’s was a lot of fun to visit. I remember buying a fake lip ring, and then Danielle and I taking a bunch of photos in one of the photo booths. We would then commence buying dozens of cookies from Mrs. Field’s and eating them until we got sick.

One of the best things about the old Tamarac Mall was the Madstone movie theater. It wasn’t as expensive as its replacement, the Regency theater, and it always had the tastiest candies for cheap prices. I have many fond memories of that theater, like the time Danielle and I snuck into see Dracula 2000, which was rated R. After we saw it and came out of the theater, one of the employees stared straight at us, and said, “Next time you think about sneaking into a movie, consider bringing your parents.” We only walked off and laughed at her, like the little brats we were.

Now that Tamarac has lost all of its pizzazz and life, only old people visit it. Since I have a lot of fond memories from that Mall, I’ve decided to bring back the color and happiness that I once found there. It’s still got a glint of life, despite all the old people stores.

Mr. Potato Head


Friday, September 15, 2006


The first thing I thought of when I heard "green" was "green with envy". I immediately thought of my dogs, because the fat one is always looking at the ADD one with such jealousy and envy. This photo is an example of what I mean (check out how fat she is)

Friday, September 08, 2006

windows and crap

This project was fun for me because I enjoy using photoshop. All the bright colors represent my crazy personality and so forth. Everything in it is pretty self explanatory; the mannequin describes my love for sewing and fashion, the picture of Bradley Baumkircshner because he's freakin awesome, the chickens outside... oh wait no those aren't self explanatory. Chickens are cool.
My favorite thing about this picture would have to be the floor. It reminds me of Who Framed Roger Rabbit, which is a pretty sweet movie. I also like the hair curtains.