windows and crap

This project was fun for me because I enjoy using photoshop. All the bright colors represent my crazy personality and so forth. Everything in it is pretty self explanatory; the mannequin describes my love for sewing and fashion, the picture of Bradley Baumkircshner because he's freakin awesome, the chickens outside... oh wait no those aren't self explanatory. Chickens are cool.
My favorite thing about this picture would have to be the floor. It reminds me of Who Framed Roger Rabbit, which is a pretty sweet movie. I also like the hair curtains.
wow steph..... I just told spamp I feel inferior to you now.... if thats even the right choice of words. I really like your totally screams you.
excellante stephanie, i only wish i could be as good as making rooms as you are *sigh* just kidding I didn't sigh cause if I did you would have heard me... cuz youre right behind me...
i really like your room!! i like how is diffrent from everyones else!
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